Myth 1: Athletes are Most at Risk of Sustaining a Brain Injury

While athletes often come to mind when we think of brain injuries, they are not the only ones at risk. Falls account for 48 percent of all concussions in the United States. Motor vehicle crashes are the second leading cause, responsible for 20 percent of brain injury-related hospitalizations. Brain injuries can affect anyone, not just athletes.

Myth 2: You Need to Lose Consciousness to Have a Mild Brain Injury

Contrary to popular belief, most people who sustain a mild brain injury do not lose consciousness. Symptoms can vary widely and include headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, imbalance, or vision changes. Unfortunately, these symptoms are often mistaken for other conditions like dehydration, migraines, or a bad night’s sleep.

Myth 3: You Need to Hit Your Head to Sustain a Brain Injury

This is one of the most common misconceptions. While many brain injuries result from head impacts, they can also occur from an external force that shakes or jostles the brain inside the skull, such as whiplash. You don’t necessarily need to hit your head to suffer a brain injury.

Myth 4: If You Have a Brain Injury, You Shouldn’t Go to Sleep

Actually, sleep and rest are often recommended for people who have suffered a brain injury. Much like you need to rest your ankle after a sprain, your brain needs dedicated rest and recovery time after an injury. Always check with your doctor and follow their instructions regarding rest and sleep.

Myth 5: If Your Head Imaging Tests Are Normal, Then You Don’t Have a Mild Brain Injury

CT scans and other imaging tests can be helpful, but many mild brain injuries show normal imaging results even though an injury has occurred. Because of this, many concussions and brain injuries go undiagnosed. Additionally, mild brain injuries can trigger feelings of depression and anxiety. Studies have found that 1 in 5 mild brain injury survivors develop depression or other mental health symptoms within six months of their injury.

The Importance of Mental Health Treatment After a Brain Injury

To lower the risk of developing anxiety or depression after a brain injury, it is important to seek both medical and mental health treatment. At Colorado Brain Injury Therapy, we understand the emotional changes that take place, even after a mild brain injury. Our specialized mental health counseling is designed to support your emotional well-being and help you navigate the challenges following a brain injury.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional support. Our dedicated team, at Colorado Brain Injury Therapy is here to help you through every step of your recovery.